Out of all of the damning evidence pointing to Darlie Routier,  the blood evidence alone was overwhelming in proving guilt. The blood evidence showed that Darlie Routier lied about a mystery intruder, and all of the blood evidence pointed to her being the killer of her two sons, Devon and Damon.

The following blood evidence information is the work of Christine Fougere who has extensively studied the Routier case over a number of years. All of the information can be validated from legal documents pertaining to the case.

Blood Evidence by Christine Fougere


CSI’s noticed a tiny amount of blood in the sink. A presumptive test proved this was blood. However, the sink and the counter surrounding it were free of blood. In front of the sink, blood on the top of the counter there and blood dripped down the cupboard door below the sink aroused their suspicion, hence the luminol. Please note, only blood will show up on a presumptive test for blood. IOW, bleach cannot take the place of blood in a presumptive test.

Luminol proved blood was rinsed down the sink and wiped up from the counter on the sides of the sink, the taps and spout.

Blood dripped on the inside of the cupboard door proved to be Darlie’s.

Blood drops on top of blood drops on the carpet in front of the sink indicated someone bleeding standing there with little to no movement.

Luminol used on the floor showed someone had cleaned up bloody footprints.

Direct bleeding round blood drops proved someone bleeding was walking from the kitchen to the utility room and not running as Darlie described. The blood drops would have had tails had she been running.

Mixed stains of Devon/Damon found on the sink backsplash.

The vacuum cleaner found in the kitchen had bloody footprints underneath it and Darlie’s blood on the top in patterns showing she was moving, not using the vacuum as a crutch.

Wheel marks from the vacuum found in the blood in the kitchen.

No water or dilution of the blood was found on the kitchen floor.

Living Room

No appreciable blood was found on the couch or the pillows where Darlie said she was stabbed.

No cast-off of Darlie’s blood indicating Darlie was fighting with a knife weilding stranger.

Damon’s bloody handprint was found on the carpet where he was first stabbed.

Damon’s bloody handprint and butt print on the couch indicating he was moving.

Damon’s blood trail indicating he moved from where he was first stabbed to the opposite wall where he was found.

Blood on the wall where Damon was found indicated he was stabbed again by someone bleeding. (dna tests show the blood was Darlie’s).

A bloody imprint of the knife on the carpet was found near Devon’s body. The small blood pool there indicated someone bleeding from the arm was standing there, the blood dripped down over the hand and onto the knife. Blood pooling at the tip of the knife indicates a large concentration of blood flowing down the knife.

The Night Shirt

Several cast-off stains in Devon’s blood were found on the front and the right shoulder of Darlie’s nightshirt.

Several cast-off stains of Damon’s blood were found on the back of Darlie’s nightshirt. Damon’s cast-off blood was found on top of Darlie’s blood, as well.

No dilution of the dna and no water was indicted on the night shirt.

Cast-off blood as the word implies is cast-off the murder weapon as it is in motion. It will have tails which point to the source of the blood. The tails on Darlie’s shirt pointed upward towards the source of the blood.

You cannot transfer cast-off blood stains, the blood seeps into the weave of the article it stains. A transfer stain sits on the top of the article and does not penetrate.

The Sock

The sock contained three pure stains of Devon and two mixed stains Devon/Damon.


No blood was found on the utility room floor where Darlie says the intruder dropped the bloody knife.

None of Damon or Devon’s blood was found on the hem of her nightshirt.
No blood was found past the utility room.
No blood was found on the window, frame or screen.
No blood on the fence or gate
No blood was found anywhere outside the Routier home.

Darlie’s blood was found dripped on the appliances in the Utility room yet she swears she did not go in that room…only to the door.

Several bloody towels were found throughout the area. However no one believes these towels were used on the boys, but used to clean up blood.

Devon’s body was covered in blood. This does not indicate a towel was used on him as it would have removed the blood from his chest.

NO towel was found on Damon’s back and no indication that a towel was used on him.

More Blood Evidence

Let’s look at the fingerprints and what we know. What we do know right now is it’s expert against expert. I think we can come close to proving those prints do not belong to an intruder.

There are two partial patent (bloody) fingerprints left at the crime scene.
Darlie’s defence claim these prints do not match her or anyone in the home at the time of the crime, nor do they match any of LE or the first responders. These prints are touted as the evidence that will set Darlie free once they are run through the FBI database, AFIS.

The Table

There is a partial patent fingerprint in blood on the sofa-back table. I believe this print is Darlie’s

What we know about this print is:
It’s small
It has a whorl pattern
It’s a partial print and according to the experts unidentifiable
It can be used to exclude

According to the crime scene and blood evidence, it is unlikely it belongs to one of the boys.

Both Devon and Darlie have a whorl pattern, but we know Devon died where he lay which was not in the vicinity of this table so I believe we can rule out Devon as the bearer of this print.

Damon does not have whorl pattern so I believe we can rule out Damon as the bearer of this print.

This print is too small to fit the over 6 ft, 200lb man Darlie described according to the state.

Fingerprint expert for the state *(James Cron) has not excluded Darlie as the bearer of this print. Cron did state it was possible the print belonged to a juvenile due to the smallness of it’s ridges.

This print was descibed by an anthropoligist (Dr. Jantz) as having a 60% chance of it being an adult woman and a 40% chance of it being an adult male. He ruled out Devon and Damon. Although his findings were not accepted by the court, I think it we can use them.

Langenberg and Lohnes findings were not accepted by the court as well. We’d have to read Judge Francis’s decision on those. They exclude Darlie has having made this print.

*Many have discounted James Cron as a fingerprint expert but I believe if you read his credentials you will see he is well schooled in this discipline…it’s what he did for 20 years.

The Utility Room Door

We know there is also a partial patent print on the door leading to the utility room. There is also blood running down the door. We know the latent print found underneath it is Darin’s, not so surprising since he lived in the house. We are only concerned with the patent fingerprint.

We know Darlie said the intruder left by this door and that she followed him to the door.

Why isn’t there any blood on the garage door? He had to go right through that door after leaving a bloody print and a blood run on the other door.

The alleged exit window was only inches from the ground. That means whomever left by it had to step up to get out. If he had hands so bloody he left that print, how did he get out the window without leaving one speck of blood on the window, the frame or on the outside or on the floor below the window,on the animal carrier and the large cage beside it?

Had he had time to wipe his hands on his clothes, why no transfer stains anywhere?

I think we can speculate that had the intruder had that much blood on his hands that he leaves one print on one side of the house (the table) and the other bloody print with a blood run on the opposite side of the house, there should be a blood trail from the table to the door.

The only blood trail is from Darlie and she puts herself in that vicinity.

Once again, it’s the blood that tells the story and it doesn’t lie…

Many Thanks to Christine Fougere for the blood evidence facts.

It is only by reading the real facts, such as the above work by Christine, that interested parties to the Routier case learn the real truth. Passionate supporters of Routier continue to lie, or at the very least are frugal with the truth.

Daily we see more stories, changes of stories, and even more bizarre explanations for Routier’s claims of ‘innocence’.

Unfortunately for this murdering mother those false claims can be checked and her guilt clearly seen in the mountain of evidence against her.


  1. plc123 says:

    Excellent. Maybe this will actually reach some of Darlie’s supporters.
    Open your eyes, folks… Darlie Routier murdered Devon and Damon.

  2. nice work, Christine Mary, lots of research and clear thinking in this presentation, …admired by, her big sis

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